Tuesday, November 07, 2006

FOX Prognosticators on The Election

As of 6:55 PM, EST, Cook, Rothenberg, Sabato, Novak all call the House to the Dems. All the Fox Allstars say the same based on their views of these prognisticators plus their quick views of the Exit Polls, etc.

The Senate "may" still be in play.

I need a Bourbon and Soda and some Rick Ballard help here.
OK - Votes only though.
4:55 PST Not too bad. The FL-16 "Punch Foley for Negron" race is cheering. Northrup is gonna be nail biter in KY.
5:05 PST Interesting early results in NC-08 and FL-13.
5:40 Santorum lost, Kean lost, GA-08 and GA-12 are looking interesting. FL-13 and FL-16 are still looking OK.
5:45 DeWine lost. Republicans are now down 2 Senate seats.
6:05 Lots of no surprise Senate calls. Lieberman looks in good shape.
6:25 Bad news - Chocola and Northrup have lost. Those are two that I didn't have. Chaffee is gone. GA-08 and GA-12 are still in play for a Rep pickup.
6:45 Buchanan held FL-13. KY-03 was only a 6,000 Dem plurality - it will be in play in '08.
7:03 Johnson lost in CT. That's really bad news. She was a long term veteran up there with a better operation than Shays. Sodrel just lost IN-09 - the Dems will probably win north of 20.
7:15 OH-15 and PA-10 are both gone - those are scandal seats that I had as losers. Both of them will be back in '08. That puts the Reps down six so far. Drake held VA-02. NY-24 went Dem, NH-02 also.
7:45 The bleeding has slowed down quite a bit. OH, NY and CT are all holding their remaining seats fairly well.

The House has gone Democratic so I'm going to hang it up.

Early returns:
The seats that I picked as losses are in bold.

AZ-08 Graf/Giffords................41 R
CO-04 Musgrave/Paccione............47 R
CO-07 O'Donnell/Perlmutter.........42 R
CT-02 Simmons/Courtney.............51 R
CT-04 Shays/Farrell................56 R
CT-05 Johnson/Murphy...............44 R
FL-13 Buchanan/Jennings............51 R
FL-16 Negron/Mahoney...............48 R
FL-22 Shaw/Klein...................47 R
GA-08 Collins/Westmoreland.........52 R
GA-12 Burns/Barrow................ 52 R
IA-01 Whalen/Braley................
IL-06 Roskam/Duckworth.............51 R
IN-02 Chocola/Donnelly.............48 R
IN-08 Hostettler/Ellsworth.........38 R Called
IN-09 Sodrel/Hill..................47 R
KY-03 Northrup/Yarmuth.............48 R
KY-04 Davis/Lucas..................51 R
NC-11 Taylor/Schuler...............47 R
MN-06 Bachmann/Wetterling..........48 R
NH-01 Bradley/Craig................49 R
NH-02 Bass/Hodes...................45 R
NM-01 Wilson/Madrid................48 R
NY-20 Sweeney/Gillibrand...........47 R
NY-24 Meier/Arcuri.................45 R
NY-25 Walsh/Maffei.................52 R
NY-29 Kuhl/Massa...................55 R
OH-01 Chabot/Cranley...............58 R
OH-02 Schmidt/Wulsin...............53 R
OH-15 Pryce/Kilroy.................51 R
OH-18 Padgett/Space................37 R
PA-04 Hart/Altmire.................49 R
PA-06 Gerlach/Murphy...............48 R
PA-07 Weldon/Sestak................43R
PA-08 Fitzpatrick/Murphy...........49 R
PA-10 Sherwood/Carney..............46 R
TX-22 Sekula-Gibbs/Lampson.........30 R
VA-02 Drake/Kellam.................51 R
WA-08 Reichert/Burner..............
WI-08 Gard/Kagen...................48 R

VA Senate ..........................Allen 50%
TN Senate...........................Corker 56%
RI Senate...........................Chaffee called for Whitehorse
PA Senate...........................Santorum Called for Casey
OH Senate...........................DeWine Called for Brown
MT Senate...........................Burns
MO Senate...........................Talent 47% 1% of vote in
NJ Senate...........................Kean 48% Called for Menendez
CT Senate...........................Lieberman 47%
MD Senate...........................Steele Called for Cardin


  1. Ummm,

    What do the numbers mean? When you have 35 R for instance. I'm probably dense, but...

  2. Looks like Rick at work, chuck.

  3. Chuck - % Republican. I'll bold the winners when the race is called.

  4. I'm with Jim Geraghty and some others --- i don't buy the call for Cardin. Not yet anyway.

  5. I don't see it either. They're projecting with a bad sauce.
