Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Competitive Enterprise Institute

Competitive Enterprise Institute: "In its most extreme form, this phenomenon has involved calls for scientific versions of the Nuremberg Trials (from a writer at the environmental magazine Grist) and the equation of “climate change denial” with Holocaust denial. Others have branded as criminal those who question restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions. In September 2006, on CNBC’s Global Players program, Jeremy Leggett, CEO of a solar power company, called for fellow guest Fred Smith, president of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (the think tank where I work), to be locked up for expressing his views. James Hansen, head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who has vociferously complained in the media of being silenced by the Bush administration for his research on global warming, suggested—without a hint of irony—that Mr. Smith should not even have been given such a platform for his views."


  1. Will these folks become more feared than islam? At least in the immediate scientific world.

    I just don't understand them, those who would deny the very technology that has placed them in a position to act as they do.

    They prefer to live here in a mud hut, and flare out with the sun in 4 billion years. They prefer to hamper the human genius that may allow us to escape that fate, just out of their self-centered sense of righteousness. Crazy.

  2. I just don't understand them, those who would deny the very technology that has placed them in a position to act as they do.

    They're tired of being no account scientists, they wanna go on a crusade. All of us should support this holy endeavor and its paladins.

    Pay up, sucker.
