Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Sackcloth and Ashes maybe?

USNews.com: Political Bulletin: Tuesday, December 5, 2006: "Bush Daughters Antics Don't Sit Well With Kinsley

Not all are calls for bipartisanship in today's political arena. Case in point: In a harsh Washington Post column this morning, Michael Kinsley writes that Jenna and Barbara Bush, 'from what little has leaked out,' seem to be 'party girls who like to drink and dance until the wee hours with aristocrats and frat boys.' And they do so, adds Kinsley, while Americans are dying in Iraq, 'most of them around Jenna and Barbara's age or younger.' Kinsley goes on to say that 'it would be reassuring to see a little struggle here -- some sign that the Bush family truly believes that American soldiers are dying for our freedom, and that it's worth it.'"

Personally, I'd rather see a youtube video of them racing the halls naked, but that's just me.


  1. Michael Kinsley? You mean this guy, past editor at the LA Times, Slate, The New Republic, and Harper's? Boy, tough life. No wonder he is going all liberal on the Bush twins.

    I like this parting shot from the LA Times.

    In a statement, Johnson pointedly omitted the usual praise heaped upon a departing journalist. After talking to Kinsley, Johnson said, "I concluded that it was best to make a clean break and I wish him well."

    Those journalist types can sure be hurtful...

  2. Why doesn't he tell the Democrats? Why doesn't he tell CNN and MSNBC and CBS and ABC and NBC and the New York Times and and and:

    'it would be reassuring to see a little struggle here -- some sign that the you truly believe that American soldiers are dying for our freedom, and that it's worth it.'

  3. What struggling did he do for the troops this week?

    Oh, wait, integrity is only required of Republicans.

  4. This is so stupid. What do they want them to do? When Bill was bombing the hell out of Kosovo who even gave a passing thought to his daughter?
