Sunday, January 14, 2007

Steyn on the Pelosi Bunch

Mark Steyn does an entertaining column on the new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.

''Grandma With A Gavel'' was written by hard-headed reporter Ruth Marcus, scourge of Republican Justice Departments for many years, and this column reflected her notoriously sharp forensic skills:

''The images as California Democrat Nancy Pelosi took office last week were striking -- and stirring -- in their unfamiliarity. Pelosi, holding her infant grandson swaddled in a white receiving blanket, as she sat in the well of the House, awaiting her election. Pelosi, with the assurance of a mother experienced at dispensing cookies to impatient toddlers, giving each child his -- and her -- turn with the gavel. Pelosi raising her hand to take the oath as her grandson, at her side, fiddled with grandma's papers.''

Golly. One only hopes the wee ones understand that, post-coronation, Queen Nancy's ascension to the throne might cut into all this quality time. "Gran'ma Got Run Over By Her Reign, Dears,'' as the old song so shrewdly warns. But don't Republicans have families, too? Yes, but let's face it, they creep you out, don't they? If you have the misfortune to be nominated by the Bush administration, your kids get headlines like ''An Image A Little Too Carefully Coordinated.'' That was the Washington Post's Style Section on Chief Justice John Roberts' moppets: They didn't care for ''the 1950s-style tableaux vivant,'' or the ''freshly scrubbed and adorable'' look from ''a Currier & Ives landscape''; they sniffed at the ''seersucker suit with short pants'' of ''towheaded Jack'' and his sister's ''blond pageboy''; they didn't even like the name ''Jack.''

Call me cycnical but when I saw that little performance by Pelosi and the kids I thought what a bunch of crap. And I am a woman. But then again I am a childless woman so I don't count, just ask Barbara Boxer.

I think the thing that bugs me is that when the left is rich, it is a good rich vs the bad rich of right wingers like Dick Cheney. When the left has kids, it is a good even gushy and cuddly thing vs the weird family like [you know] the Bushes. ick.

And when right wingers support a profamily agenda they want to keep the woman down unlike that paragon of women's rights, Bill Clinton, who as we all know really really liked women. yum.



  1. unlike that paragon of women's rights, Bill Clinton, who as we all know really really liked women. yum.


  2. yeh--that 'yum' is a mark alright: Terrye is a writer.

  3. I have to admit the idea of Bill liking women puts a picture in my head I just can't seem to get rid of.

    Not yum. In fact ick or eewwww might work better.

  4. Not only was Bill Clinton a paragon of women's rights to blow him in the Oval Office while he chatted on the phone, Terrye dear, but he was a woman. He was after all the first woman President, just as he was the first black President.

  5. "I feel your pain" really meant "I fill your brain".

  6. Actually, it's pretty easy to grasp--if you're gonna violate your principles, first you have some.

  7. I think it was a 'joint venture'.
