Friday, February 02, 2007

I have a problem at JOM

When this is resolved, or at least addressed, I will delete this entry.

Last night I was merrily commenting away at JustOneMinute on the Libby case. Suddenly, about 10 or 11PM I could no longer post. I can read everything, I just can't post a comment, nor even preview one. The page won't come up that lets me type in the security letters.

Looks like my IP address was suddenly blocked? I dropped Tom a note, not sure if the email address is one he looks at frequently. I can log in to problem. (I had had a problem at Roger L. Simon's which was eventually resolved and turned out not to be any blocking by typepad at all.)

I'm computer literate (yeah, I know that claim covers a lot of ground LOL) and have checked various things on my end to no avail.

Can someone just post a comment to Tom's attention over there? Let folks know I can't participate? (yeah, big yawn, I know.)

If I were the paranoid type......I had just posted my 'theory' about the CIA stonewalling fitz investigation by not giving him definite information on Plame's status. Fitz doesn't know. The judge don't know. Only Plame's hairdresser knows for sure.

The reason fitz didn't indict on the leak itself (Armitage, or anyone else for that matter) was because fitz had no evidence of her status to use in court. I had figured the CIA didn't want to give Val the satisfaction. :)



Update: It seems several people have the same problem on JOM and/or other typepad sites. Meltdown! If you wish to comment on Libby related stuff, feel free to join the comments here...or not.


  1. I can't get into JOM either, Syl. I've been having trouble with other typepad blogs too, so I suspect it's a system issue.

  2. Well, then it's not all about me :)

    Sorry you're having trouble too, though :(

  3. Clarice can't post at JOM either.

    That's bad :(

  4. Well, Clarice said she can't post. LOL I just saw a comment from her and an article.

    Guess she meant she was having trouble with her post.

    Rick--if you're around, she needs the quote marks around her URLs. I can't even drop a comment to let her know how to fix it.

  5. Syl,

    I left the quotation mark explanation in comments. She deleted her post shortly thereafter.

    Wrt your comments on our gal Val and the CIA, I agree. There's a cute construction that Fitz uses in the indictment:At all relevant times from January 1, 2002 through July 2003, Valerie Wilson was employed by the CIA, and her employment status was classified.

    Why the commas? Especially the second comma, before "and"? Why not: "At all relevant times from January 1, 2002 through July 2003, Valerie Wilson was employed by the CIA. Her employment status was classified." Fitz seems to imply that her status was classified "through July" but if that were true, why the comma?

    Might be nothing but I've been advised by attorneys on more than one occasion that punctuation can be very expensive.

    What if Tenet declassified her employment status on July 7? We know that he was stuffing her under the bus by July 11 (vide Rove speaking for the DCI and OVP). Would he do that if her status were in fact classified? I have strong doubts about that.

  6. Wow. Rick. That's quite a catch there.

    Her employment status was classified [at some points during that period].

    Why did fitz not indict Armitage (at least for a leak of classified information), why did he not indict Ari for the same--not even establishing Ari's claim of having told reporters to be true?

    Because the fact Val was declassified, the date of declassification, and who declassified her, is, er, classified...'cause they don't want you to know.

    Even if Armitage revealed her affiliation with CIA in June when she most likely was still classified, fitz can't prove it.

    So he goes to Comey--can I charge on process crimes? Sure, go ahead.

    Fitz is a complete JERK. He could have sued the CIA via Executive Order for the information--and won.--instead of this charade.

    Actually, if the injured party (CIA) refuses to hand over evidence of a crime, there is no crime. That's not the same as an investigation not being able to determine if a crime had been committed.


    Excellent work there, Rick.

  7. I reset my modem to force a reset/renew of my IP through DHCP (forgot the acronym). Ended up with the same IP anyway. :(

    Still can't post at JOM. This better be fixed by Monday.

    Preferably MUCH earlier than that. :)


    I was able to post a comment at Roger's (typepad-typekey) so the problem doen't seem to be typepad/key.

    And may be related only to JOM.

  9. Syl,

    Tom is locking jerks out like crazy over there. He no longer seems to tolerate fools as he once did. You may just be in a blocked IP group address.

  10. Argggghhh.

    I'm Comcast.

    Lotsa IP's there.


  11. This is SOOOO frustrating.

    Notice how few of the crazies have shown up in the latest thread? Tom IS good about allowing everyone to speak in the comments and it takes a LOT before he pulls the plug on someone.

    I don't know. Perhaps it's SuperBowl weekend, he won't be around much, and his site is being tracked by MBA and I'm sure he doesn't want his site to deteriorate into some mess while he's not watching.

    I'd probably do the same thing, perhaps.

    Makes me resent spammers and virus pushers even more. It stops regular people from communicating. I simply have no way of getting in touch with Tom. And finding someone who can? I can think of a couple who may have a better way to reach him. But I can't reach them. LOL

    It's not like this is the most important thing in the world. It's NOT. It's just a problem I want to solve and I've hit a wall.

    Just venting.

    Good grief. I should start my own blog for this kind of venting nonsense. Where's my head.


  12. This is SOOOO frustrating.

    Notice how few of the crazies have shown up in the latest thread? Tom IS good about allowing everyone to speak in the comments and it takes a LOT before he pulls the plug on someone.

    I don't know. Perhaps it's SuperBowl weekend, he won't be around much, and his site is being tracked by MBA and I'm sure he doesn't want his site to deteriorate into some mess while he's not watching.

    I'd probably do the same thing, perhaps.

    Makes me resent spammers and virus pushers even more. It stops regular people from communicating. I simply have no way of getting in touch with Tom. And finding someone who can? I can think of a couple who may have a better way to reach him. But I can't reach them. LOL

    It's not like this is the most important thing in the world. It's NOT. It's just a problem I want to solve and I've hit a wall.

    Just venting.

    Good grief. I should start my own blog for this kind of venting nonsense. Where's my head.


  13. That double-post was a blogger ID messup. Error. Sign in again. Post. Oops, how did the first one get there?

    You know the drill.

    But, I no longer get the trashcan. So sorry.

    Sigh. Wekend is starting out great. :)

    Hey, security letters say xxx O NOOO!


  14. I just love talking to myself.

    I don't even have the cat here to pretend that I'm really talking to her. :)

    Oh blrgdy snkklets anyway.

  15. Syl and Seneca I wrote TM. I don't know if he saw the emails . Whenever who want, I'm more than happy to post anything you email until this is resolved. You are too valuable to miss.

  16. Now, I can't get on and neither can ts.

    Can this be moved up for the junkies.

  17. My name is sbw and I'm a JOMaholic.
