Friday, February 16, 2007

Nonbinding nonsense

The House voted today 246-182 on a nonbinding resolution against the surge. 17 Republicans voted for the resolution and 2 Democrats voted against it. I wonder why it is if they are so sure they have public opinion on their side...they did not go ahead and make it a binding resolution? The Cowards.


  1. I notice that Brad Ellsworth voted for the resolution. Is this what the folks there in Indiana voted for?

  2. chuck:

    No, it is not and I let his office know that. I will be telling some folks I told you so. Hostettler was not a lot better when it came to the war however, he was so far right he was Buchanan. So Ellsworth was not considered a big change in that regard.

  3. This is the email I sent to Ellsworth:

    I was very disappointed in Congressman Ellsworth's vote for Defeat yesterday in the House's passage of the useless and politically motivated anti surge resolution.

    I have relatives who have fought in Iraq, they believe in what they are doing. It seems the Democratic party does not believe in them. Demcorats can pass this off as support for the troops...but it is plain what it is surrender. You might as well hang a white flag over the Capitol. I told people in my district that Ellsworth was no Blue Dog Democrat. He would in fact be Pelosi's poodle if elected. This vote proved me right and it proved that if Democrats are forced to choose between political grandstanding and standing up for our troops...they will go with the grandstanding. It is McGovern's party once again. For shame.
