Wednesday, May 16, 2007


That I am. Reluctant to seem to be trivializing the last post (from Sunday) about an entire town being wiped out. But heh, it's been days now and I have a concern of my own.

It has been plenty long enough now that I should see some evidence of Ospring. At least one. But activity at the nest is downright slight. Spottings are rare. One today but it was just one bird making a simple little Twig Delivery. By now I expected to see Mom and Dad both feverishly making Fish Deliveries. I suspect the weather has been too funky and the Ospring just didn't make it.

The ugly beast Turkey Vultures are everywhere. They gather up a half-dozen at a time. There just isn't any time, other than storms, when the sky is clear of them. Brazen they are. Nasty beggars spit and hiss at you if you approach them (I'm prone to that sort of thing) when they're hanging around on or near the ground.

Oh well, if anyone is interested in some quick reading material, I reluctantly recommend So Much for the New European Century, Autism Unveiled, Hayek & the intellectuals, and The Return of the Idiot. All were discovered during what has become a far too infrequent visit to Arts & Letters Daily.

1 comment:

  1. A&L Daily: where to get lost in the library of needful knowledge--
