Monday, June 11, 2007

Secure The Borders First

OK, I've said my piece.


  1. Well, of course. The duty of every nation-state is to secure its own borders and to know who is coming in and going out. So you build a fence.

    The problem is this. A transnational elite that doesn't believe in borders is entrusted to secure the borders of a nation-state that is defined by borders. How good of a job does it do? Not very well.

    There is another problem. The fences that matter have already been built. They are the fences of money and class. I wonder. If you took all the fences surrounding the "ranch" communities in Sedona and Prescott and Cedar City and Nogales, the private schools, all the well-watered desert country clubs, all the gated communities in Naples and Palm Beach and uprooted them and placed them on the border, would you already have your 700 miles?

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  4. my senator - feinstein - supports the comprehensive bill. if i'm not mistaken, she lives in a gated community.
