Monday, October 08, 2007

The Most Hated Man in Iraq

contentions » archive: "The most hated man in Iraq today is Senator Joseph Biden. Iraqis (except for Kurds) are outraged at the Senate’s adoption of a Biden bill, prescribing “federalism” for Iraq in terms that Iraqis take to mean partition of their country. My explanations—that Biden chose the anodyne word “federalism” because he couldn’t get support for “partition,” that the House was unlikely to pass a similar measure, and that even if passed, this bill was not binding—all fell on deaf ears. Sunni and Shiite politicians outdid each other in their denunciations. And some Iraqi lawmakers spoke of turning the tables by calling for the U.S. to be partitioned into sovereign black, white, and Hispanic nations."


  1. Yeah, but once they get to know Joe Biden, they'll realize he's a harmless buffoon.

  2. I think it's more like "You think you hate him now, but wait until you get to know him!"

  3. i'd rather have a stool sample as president --but i still prefer him to Hil, Obam, and Breck.

  4. To know Joe is to pity him :>).

    Wait till they meet Keith Olberman.

  5. I am glad the Iraqis are standing up to him.
