Thursday, October 18, 2007

Picture du Jour


  1. Heh.

    Reminds me of walking down to the Hudson river about 6AM one summer morning when I was living up around 180'th street in NYC. There was an overlook before the river and there I looked down on the whole riverside park filled up with parked police cars.

  2. They must not have had time to put up the crime scene tape. I wonder if they managed to save any donuts?

  3. www.rotten com

    No thanks for the memories.

  4. Hi, Meaningless,
    I saw on your blogger's profile that you like "everything by Raymond Chandler."

    So do I. I just read six of his seven novels in succession over the last two months. I'm kind of sad there are only seven. I guess he got a late start.

  5. Hi liza,

    Yes, it is always sad when you finish everything written by one of your favorite authors. Clearly Chandler didn't write enough, but I guess he wrote what he needed to write.
