Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bring. It. ON.

Kerry has accepted Boone Picken's challenge.

I intend to follow this one here. I am sure Tom McGuire will have some posts on this as well.

This should be fun.


  1. My only comment is that it was an awfully loose challenge by Pickens. I am reading that he came up with more particular conditions after Kerry's response. As yet to be accepted so far as I know.

    They both reduce themselves through this charade. Though is it possible for Kerry go any lower...

  2. I'm curious to see the upshot. Based on past history, I don't expect Kerry to bestir himself to answer the questions, he will just promise to do so. Has he released all his military records yet?

  3. But we do know that his Yale grades and military IQ test suggest something less than a powerhouse intellect. Of course, all one has to do is listen to the man speak...

  4. Kerry has the money to buy brains... and maneuverability. The ending of this will be very low key, just as the beginning.

  5. I've met Boone --a long time ago, before he was such a celebrity, dad worked for Mesa for awhile (as a geologist, not a takeover guy) up in Amarillo. I met him there in Amarillo, during a visit to the folks, when I went along with dad to a meeting. Boone & I chatted for about two minutes, during which he asked my kids' names. I gave him the three (at the time) names.

    The next time we met, a few years later when dad & I were down in the Rio Grande valley white-wing hunting and dropped by some drilling rig christening in Corpus Christi, we bumped into Boone (still not a celebrity, I stress, before his Wall Street raids), and he asked about the three kids by name, remembering also their ages and order.

    I was amazed--dad said later that Boone had near-total recall of everything he ever read or heard.

    This guy was born poor, went to a small obscure college in Oklahoma, and made it to the multi-billionaire, Wall Steet maven, media celebrity stratosphere all on his own, with just his guts, brains, character, and salesmanship.

    I seriously doubt that he will have too much trouble breaching the intellectual defenses of John Kerry.
