Sunday, December 02, 2007

Okay, I'm in Love

French-Quebecoise-Belgian Chanteuse Lara Fabian

... and my favorite video of her...

Not hard to look at either.


  1. I suppose we can consider forgiving her for singing in froggish.

  2. Now, now, one of the songs is in Italian, and I think one is in English.

  3. fine. But there was still the froggish stuff. Very nice voice though (I'll probably sample her stuff and pick a few tunes, I like female vocalists). And, as you mentioned, not hard to look at. At the risk of sounding hyper-critical, or skeptical, or something, I couldn't help noticing that the teary vid - your fave - had no tears. I woulda been hers if there'd been a tear working it's way down her cheek.

    But now I'm suspicious that the Lady is also an Actress.

  4. jeeez, what's wrong with French? She's from Belgium for God's sakes.

  5. "what's wrong with French?"

    You have to ask?

  6. I thoght since Sarkoszy came in we were liking the French again.

    In any case, she looks like that, she *sounds* like that, and she writes great stuff (she writes 90 percent of her own music) in French AND Spanish AND Italian AND English, and get a look at some of the lyrics: they're all "I'm strong I can do this I can survive" lyrics.

    I think you guys are just jealous that I found her first.
