Sunday, December 09, 2007

This Morning's View

"Garibaldi does not dominate the surrounding landscape, which consists of many high, rugged peaks. Many residents of Vancouver are therefore not aware that there is a volcano closer to the city than the more easily visible Mount Baker in Washington State."—Wikipedia


  1. MHA—

    Clear and cold, yesterday. On such a day, Mount St. Helens is visible before you as you approach the Columbia River on the 205 and, off to the left and especially once you're crossing the river, so is Mount Hood. The destructive weather of the past week has left both snow covered. Both were spectacular sights on the road back to the other Vancouver yesterday afternoon.


    Off-topic, I have a question for anyone who has stood in front of Manet's Le déjeuner sur l'herbe and/or Olympia, and already knew them from books or prints. Did seeing the originals change your opinion of either or both. Thanks.

  2. Dyslexic. Mount Hood is off to the right.
