Friday, February 29, 2008

Althouse: Let's watch the YouTubed Hillary ad that the NYT has frontpaged right now.

Althouse: Let's watch the YouTubed Hillary ad that the NYT has frontpaged right now.: "Anytime people are crying for us to do something 'for the children' you should watch out for two things--your wallet and your freedom--because they're coming for them both." (Comment by "Windbag" at Althouse.)

1 comment:

  1. Jeez,

    There must be something wrong with me, 'cause the ad left me untouched. Heck, I tuned out in the first two seconds. But if it keeps the Democratic cat fight going, so much the better.

    As to Obama, I like the man less and less, and my first impression was already bad. My first impression was even an inadvertent blind test. I was visiting my mom over Christmas, reading a book with my back to the TV, when I heard someone speaking on CNN about the assassination of Bhutto. Who the heck is that idiot, I asked myself, and turned around to see Obama on the screen.

    If the Democrats can't do better than Gore, Kerry, or one of these two nubs, the country is in trouble.
