Friday, February 22, 2008

The truth about Castro - The Denver Post

The truth about Castro - The Denver Post: "Cuba features a universal health care system, a minuscule 1.9 percent unemployment rate, near-total literacy, complete political 'unity' — and hundreds of thousands of people ready to risk their lives to get the hell out."

1 comment:

  1. "Supermodel Naomi Campbell claims that Fidel Castro is "a source of inspiration to the world.""

    I don't pay enough attention to know which of the "looks good on camera" Steamin' Hot Babes that was so I looked it up. She's this one.

    Mind you, I have HUGE empathy for this young woman. Turn an ankle anymore and life goes to hell in a handbbasket. I did well and good back in September and it ain't right even now - and I ain't mutherin the thing. Crimps one's style, big time.

    But the girl's a bozo all things considered.
