Monday, March 03, 2008

Hitler vs. Disney: can you see the difference?

There's a rumor going around that Hitler was an artist. Charles Henry seriously discounts it, with the eyes of a learned student of animation. It's an interesting angle on the occultist who tried to conquer Europe with the help of magical thinking, and failed.


  1. It is an amazing story, if true.

  2. Disney was a bit of a dictator by many accounts. And come one, Disneyland is this well run, uber efficient, hyper rule bound place run by people in uniforms :>)

  3. VERY true, Barry. The trains, trams, ice cream carts and everything else runs ON TIME, always, no exceptions. Not to mention that there are people watching and listening, all the time.

  4. Knuck

    Yes...and it even invaded France!

  5. Yes...and it even invaded France!

    And the French surrendered to the mouse, although the French intelligentsia continues its heroic war of words in the fabled underground resistance.

  6. A new ride for DisneyWorld France...The Maginot Line. If the wait is too long, just go around it.

  7. Well sure. Disney was much taller.
