Thursday, April 10, 2008

3D Maps Now Live with Trees

Virtual Earth now has 3D maps with 3D trees showing in Denver and a couple of other cities. It also has much of the suburbs rendered in 3D now, including individual houses. Check it out.


  1. Doesn't work with firefox on linux. I don't think MS quite gets the internet thingie yet. Google is going to steal their nickels and eat their lunch.

  2. As I say, Google is going to steal their nickels and eat their lunch. There are a lot of small portables in the pipeline based on linux. There is the Mac. There are the iPhone and linux based phones. Those small devices are going to displace a lot of desktops and portables running windows or vista, not to mention opening up new markets altogether. That's where things are headed and MS is disappearing in the dust churned up by a parade that has already passed them by.

  3. You may be right. Have you seen the movie "Charlie Wilson's War"? "We'll see."
