Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wednesday Links

Why startups fail.

Leaders, not whiners.

The solution to poverty is—getting rich.

Lead exposure correlates with criminal behavior.

Using Python to work with the operating system.

Pajamas in Shanghai.

The short history of nerds, from Seuss to Obama.

The false narrative of American defeat.

The free trade paradox.

Diving for treasure with AUVs.

5 essential rules for negotiation.

Wishful thinking about oil.

Introducing Muxfind.

Cells beneath the water (water), cells beneath the mud.

A ray of housing hope?

An honor killing in Germany.

The Messiah of the red-diaper socialists?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking to the dishonor killing in Germany. Unfortunately, these crimes are on the increase not only in Europe, but globally.

    Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
    "Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"
