Sunday, November 01, 2009

A Passing

The guitarist Peter Bocking has passed away. I wasn't familiar with his musical work. In the blogosphere he was known as PeterUK. The link has a tribute page for him. A fiery and smart commenter.


  1. That's really a surprise. I knew him first from Roger Simon's place, and he commented here when we started, but I am most familiar with him from Biased BBC.

    I always enjoyed reading his comments. He'll be missed.

  2. Yes, I found out about this via the JustOneMinute comments. He was very articulate and passionate. He had a very caustic sense of humor and did not suffer trolls gladly.

  3. I think he also commented at Belmont Club. I'll miss him.

  4. Aiii, Peter was someone I'll miss. I knew from some of his comments that he had health problems and had the sense that he saw death not so far off, but it is sad that that day has arrived. His was a unique and witty voice.

  5. Sad news. I always enjoyed his witty and pithy writing. He was recently commenting pretty regularly at Dennis the Peasant's. But of course I knew him best at Roger's Place in the old days. As Barry mentions, Peter did not suffer fools lightly. The world is lesser for his passing.

    I will miss him.
