Friday, February 19, 2010

Let me count the ways...


Thou art a fool," said my head to my heart,
"Indeed, the greatest of fools thou art,
To be led astray by trick of a tress,
By a smiling face or a ribbon smart;"
And my heart was in sore distress.

Then Phyllis came by, and her face was fair,
The light gleamed soft on her raven hair;
And her lips were blooming a rosy red.
Then my heart spoke out with a right bold air:
"Thou art worse than a fool, O head!"

The poem is by Paul Laurence Dunbar. The sign amidst the painted flowers of Big Johnson Bail Bonds' window says, "Get me out of the slammer and I'll be your Valentine." Valentine's Day is over, but I suppose it is too good of a slogan to waste.

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