Sunday, May 01, 2011

The Illustrated Children's Clausewitz

Introduction, in Which We Meet the War Tutor

Ich heiße Carl, aber für Sie mein Name ist Herr Clausewitz.
I am Carl, but you will call me Hare Clausewitz.
I will be teaching you about war.
I will not waste time on trifles.
I will not teach you how to shoot your gun.
I will not teach you what tactics to use.
I will not tell you why you go to war, or what to do once the war is done.
There are many who can teach you these things.
What I will teach you, many people cannot teach you.
I will teach you about strategy.
I will teach you what war is for, and what it takes to achieve your end.
I will teach you about vision, about what is important in war, and what is not.
It is likely that none of you will understand me, let alone be that rare creature who can be a great leader of war, but I will do my best to teach you what I know.

The blogger/tweeter/internet person caidid has decided to create the Illustrated Children's Clausewitz. As she explained, "This led to a brief conversation among me, Jason, and Adam about the dearth of good strategic training tools for the playground set (however strong their tactical skills might be, and it sounds like the younger Mr. Fritz’s are pretty solid), and concluded with an agreement that a children’s book version of Clausewitz would be awesome."

I concur.

Above is her introduction to the book, and the illustration is Hare Clausewitz himself addressing the other characters. You can follow her work on the project as well as offer advice, criticism or help at her website The Illustrated Children's Clausewitz.

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