Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Rattlesnake Logo

After attending a Democratic organizing meeting, Lexington Green at Chicago Boyz came up with the idea of hacking the Obama 2012 campaign logo to have it reflect more of a Tea Party ambiance. Following his suggestions, I've lent my meager photo editing skills to create a few of his variations on the idea.

Above is one of them, the rest can be found at Obama Logo Hacked! Rattlesnake Logo Launched! There are a few up now, and more should be up later today. If you're interested, drop by his post and share your opinions and suggestions.
Hellooooo visitors from Transterristrial Musings.

150px wide banner

1 comment:

  1. Great work. Thanks 1,000,000.

    Now what do we need to get millions of them made into bumper stickers, etc.?
