Sunday, July 10, 2011

Budget Vacations - the Big Avocado

As a public service, during these hard economic times I've been suggesting cheap, yet culturally enriching, tourist traps travel destinations. Today I suggest the Big Avocado located at Tropical Fruit World in Duranbah, Australia.  

Aside from the fruit orchard tour, train ride, boat tours, petting zoo, tropical fruit smoothies, etc., the main attraction -- at least as far as this series of articles is concerned -- is the statue of the Big Avocado. 

Tickets are a bit pricey compared to some of the other destinations I've suggested: $94.28 (US dollars) for a family of two adults and two children using the latest exchange rate. Also, some might argue that the plane fare to Australia knocks it out of the Budget Vacation altogether (some people are just born Negative Nellies).

Reviews of the place are very good. So, if you happen to be near Duranbah in Australia, or you're the type who thinks a couple of thousand dollars to buy a plane ticket to see a giant avocado statue is a bargain, I recommend you drop by Tropical Fruit World and check it out. 

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