Saturday, October 08, 2011

Illustrations in the style of romance novel covers

When I first saw Zhang Weimang's illustrations they reminded me of something, but I couldn't put my finger on what. Pin-up pictures occurred to me at first, but that didn't seem right. It took me a while to realize that they were in the style of romance novel covers. That parallel is enforced in that he often, like in the two pictures below, couple views of the same scene with one picture focusing on the man and the other on the woman.

Weimang is a Shanghai based illustrator, which makes his focus on Caucasian couples rather odd. I couldn't find out anything about him on the internet -- just a number of sites showing more or less the same set of his pictures. I wonder if he has other sets with Chinese people in them?

There are more samples of his work after the jump, and even more at Cuded's Amazing Illustrations by Zhang Weimang where I first discovered Zhang Weimang's work.

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