Sunday, October 30, 2011

The sound of English revisited

Some time ago I ran a post The Sound of English that featured a song by Adriano Celentano, an Italian singer and comedian, which was sung in nonsense syllables meant to sound like English. Above is the short film Skwerl by Brian Fairbairn which follows two people eating, and then arguing, in gibberish meant to sound like English. Not bad, although there are a few too many actual English words mixed in.

As for the film itself, I was uncertain who's side to take in the argument until the very end, but then -- oh pu-leeze -- everybody knows that tears followed by the ol' "sparklers in a pineapple" gambit is nothing more than theater to cover up the woman's weak position. Stick to your guns fake-English spouting guy, I support you 110%.
Although I do admit the symbolism of the sparkles fizzling out brought a tear to my eye. It is an age old story -- boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy is left with nothing but a pineapple to remember the girl by while she gets the house, kids, dog and a monthly alimony check.  

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