Monday, March 19, 2012

The sailing went OK, but...

...the drive back didn't. We sailed the boat for 10 hours and got it to its new home port.

On the way home we got hit head-on. I'm in the hospital and a bit banged up. Gonne be slow blogging for a while.

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  1. Yikes! Get well. Sorry to hear about this.

  2. BTW, how many of those 10 hours were on the Iron Genny?

  3. Good grief. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play.

  5. Sorry to hear. All best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  6. Thanks for the well wishes.

    I'm out of the hospital now. The cardiologist thought I had a small heart attack, but further testing showed that I didn't. Just painfully banged up ribs yet again.

    The 10 hours was on the boat. None of us had ever sailed, but once we cleared the outer buoy and were in the Gulf we raised the sails and figured it out well enough to sail it to its new home port.

    I'll be getting back to blogging soon, and when I do I'll have more details on my adventures and misadventures.

  7. I hate banged up ribs! They hurt for weeks. Had some this winter from getting blasted by a yute on a snowboard. If I could have gotten up I would beat the young bastid with a ski pole.

    Getting out of bed sucks, doesn't it.

  8. From experience- if you need to lift something, use the sore side. The muscles won't have to pull on the sore stuff.

    Hope you heal soon.

    ...and since your getting into sailing, you need this:
