Thursday, April 26, 2012

Martian avalanche

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I'm a little pressed for time, so I only have time for a quick couple of pictures. Above is a Martian avalanche taken by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. As the Bad Astronomy post Another awesome Martian avalanche (which has links to other pictures of Martian avalanches and their aftermaths) explains:
Spring is approaching us here in the northern hemisphere on Earth once again, and we are experiencing the annual thaw of the winter ice.

Spring is approaching the northern hemisphere of Mars as well, and with it comes the thaw of carbon dioxide ice. Some of that dry ice sits at the tops of cliffs, and when it thaws it dislodges the material there. The rock and debris on Mars then does the same thing it would do on Earth: it falls. Fast.

And when it does, you get [the above pictured] slice of Martian awesomeness.
By the way, the Bad Astronomy post after following a link from a post at the Spanish site Fogonazos which had the below picture of a Martian dust devil. By measuring the shadow the dust devil is estimated to be  a little over 2600 feet (800 meters) in size.

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