Thursday, May 31, 2012

Lego dioramas of Dante's visions of Hell

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The Romanian artist Mihai Micah has created Lego dioramas of Dante's nine circles of Hell from the Inferno. Mihai admits, “I have not read the Divine Comedy, only brief descriptions of the small circles of hell, which I found on the internet on various websites. I do not want my work greatly influenced the original description, I wanted to create a fresh and original approach to the interpretation of each circle of hell, so let the will of his own imagination.”

Pictures of all of his versions of the nine circles, as well descriptions of the individual dioramas can be found at the Todays Whisper post Dante’s nine circles of hell out of Lego. By the way, the circles pictured in this post are, from top to bottom, Lust, Greed and Apostasy/Heresy.

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