I'm a bit pressed for time to write a post, so I'll just post this old picture of an odd hat. What its about I have no idea. If you have an ideas post them in the comments. I swiped it from Black and WTF.
Off hand, I'd say it was one of the first personal listening devices.
The horn in front was probably the speaker- because back then it wasn't cool to force people a hundred feet away to hear your noise (also the volume only goes to 8).
Off hand, I'd say it was one of the first personal listening devices.
ReplyDeleteThe horn in front was probably the speaker- because back then it wasn't cool to force people a hundred feet away to hear your noise (also the volume only goes to 8).
Then you have the antennas and tuner on top.
I figured it for a time machine. There's a dial on the side of it to select the date, some wires and what-not to create a worm hole.
ReplyDeleteI also assume he is checking the date on the newspaper to make sure his is where, er... when... he wants to be.
The only thing I can't figure is the miniature saxophone on the front of the hat.