Monday, May 28, 2012

What should be our National Lizard?

While reading Left Coast Rebel I discovered that there is a move afoot in the Senate to declare the bison as our National Mammal. We already have a National Bird in the Bald Eagle. That got me wondering, what should be our National Lizard? So, time for another Flares Poll of International Opinion...

Which critter should be declared
our National Lizard?
Gila monster: these venomous lizards are an icon of the American West. Unlike the other non-smiling lizards in this poll, they're sluggish, so they pose little danger.

Harry Reid: Senate leader who never met a budget he couldn't ignore or a Republican bill he couldn't table.

John Edwards: far from 'Husband of the Year'  material, Edwards went from being an oily ambulance chaser, to a VP candidate, to a walking scandal thanks to his affair with Rielle Hunter. 

Dick Cheney: I suppose, to be fair, I should give our liberal visitors a choice too.
Weigh your choices carefully and then vote early and vote often in this latest edition of the Flares Poll of International Opinion. By the way, there is no truth to the rumor that I picked photos to try to prejudice the results of this poll. After all, as a well respected internet journalist I would obviously never stoop to such shenanigans.

UPDATE: Goodbye rattlesnake, hellooooo gila monster. Fortunately, this being a Flares poll after all, nobody has voted yet so the switch will have no effect on votes already cast.


  1. I understand where you're coming from, but a snake isn't a lizard.
    A Gilla monster could be more classified that way and they're from about the same area as harry Reid.

  2. There you go. Reid won.

  3. He's slaughtering the field so far, that's for sure.

  4. You should have added Pelosi to that list........
