Sunday, December 30, 2012

Good riddance to 2012

Physically, 2012 has been a rough year for me. I was a passenger in 2 car accidents: in the first a drunk rear-ended us as we were parked at a red light in a turning lane, and in the second an oblivious kid left turned into out front end. Then I flopped over in Miami and broke my shoulder. My posts have been terse these last couple of months because it is still a pain to type too much.

Ah well, I should look at the bright side, 2013 is bound to be better, and if not I'm sure the Obamacare death panel will put me out of my misery in no time at all.

Regardless, I'm glad to be seeing this year come to an end. As for now, I'm busy pouring over the candidates for Hot Stratfor Babe of the Year and it should be up by tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. [sigh]

    The deepest scars aren't physical, although I wish you the best for a complete recovery.

    And "Amen" to the hope that 2013 beats out the prior yea.
