Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never Forget

With Benghazi last year and this red line nonsense this year it is clear that, to our detriment, many have forgotten. Not me.


  1. Nor have I. Lost a firefighter neighbor (and all around friend and good guy) who worked the first week at Ground Zero. years of fibrosis and then the cancer set in. 54 years old. Know of three others and I'm not exactly tied into the firefighting community.

    I suspect we will, if we haven't already, lose more people from the the aftermath than we did from the attack itself.

  2. Yes, Knucklehead, we will, we have.But they will die unnoted, unmourned except by those who loved them. We will never be permitted to know the full extent of our loss.

    We went to NYC on Dec 7, 2001. My husband was there on other business (ah, the days of employment!)... we tried to walk the periphery but my asthma set in after about 15 minutes so we had to abandon our trek. I scooped some of the dust off the black wrought iron fence around the churchyard and keep it on our home altar as a memento mori for all those people. The dust was still thick then and the gravestones looked as though they had a cap of dirty city snow on each one...though it was an unseasonable 70 degrees that day...

    Going home on Sunday, the airport was deserted. No TSA either. I flew once more -after TSA began- and will never do so again. It is too demeaning. I feel badly for those who must fly to earn their daily bread: they are further casualties whose earlier deaths will never be given their true attribution.

    Obama obliterated "Let's Roll". His mantra is "Gimme"...
