Friday, November 23, 2018

Black Friday stampedes

The weekend started yesterday, so there is no reason for my usual Friday music video to get you ready for it. Instead, in honor of Black Friday shopping lunacy I'm posting a couple of stampede videos.

The first (above) is from an idiotic movie called 10,000 BC. Who knew wholly mammoths were used in the construction of the pyramids? For that matter, who knew the pyramids used to look like that? At any rate, as part of a slave revolt a herd of silly looking CGI mammoths are stampeded down a ramp to stomp on soldiers and eeeeevil overseers. Quite an inspirational scene.

Below we head off to Skull Island where much better looking CGI dinosaurs stampede through some westerners on safari. For the amount of dinosaurs there are you would think more of the safari guys would get squashed, but whatever. Also, the predator dinosaurs seem to have a pretty stupid hunting strategy -- shouldn't they just pick off the weakling at the back of the herd instead of getting mixed up in the herd where they can get stomped on as well?

Any way, if you go shopping today have fun, but try to be neither the stomper nor the stompee.

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