Thursday, May 30, 2019

Just in case WWIII breaks out

Radiation induced  mutation
These days we prefer to terrorize ourselves with Ebola, Marburg virus, zombie outbreaks and other pandemics (and don't even get me started on EMP and asteroid collisions), but back in the good old days we mainly worried about A and H bombs.

It seems -- and this is not to minimize the dangers of bacteria and virii -- like we are allowing such fears to side-track us from preparations for nuclear war. So, as a public service, I bring you the above educational video to prepare you for the mushroom clouds in your future.

As a bonus, below is a video of an old air raid siren being fired up. Fairly creepy sounding all in all. Well, with that I'm off on a test run of my 'below a workbench' fallout shelter. Laugh if you must, but I won't be the one turning into a radiation mutant because I was unprepared. Then again, the mutants do get the pretty girls in the end, don't they?


  1. Thanks. It never hurts to be prepared! BTW; do you know something we don't?

  2. Well, let's just say I've bought a couple more work benches so's I can have a luxury bomb shelter.
