Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Rwanda today

We're back to Africa, this time Rwanda, with videos made by Willie Fungo an American who lives there.  Above is a video of a day time walk in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. It is through a commercial and night life district. He also eventually gets to a more working class part of the city. The video is not narrated, but it does have informative captions.

When thinking about Rwanda the genocide naturally comes to mind, but as the video shows Kigali is a very prosperous, nicely landscaped and well maintained city. The traffic stuck out to me, it was not the usual tangle and cacophony of beeping you tend to see in the third world. It is said to be the cleanest city in Africa and is safe as well with very little crime.

In below video he goes to a rural village and looks more like you expect, with dirt paths and mud brick houses. It is in Tutsi territory, so the people are more wary of strangers, but for the most part they are civil if not friendly. However, there is one entertaining scene where a rather belligerent women tells Willie, who is black, to go away because they don't want white people there. I guess to be American is to be white to them. He ends in a bar/café where he orders a tasty looking meal of roast rabbit, onions, mayonnaise and French fries accompanied with beer. The video is narrated.


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