Wednesday, October 20, 2021

An analysis of YouTube clickbait

I don't do YouTube so my clickbait is purely the title I give my posts. Mine tend to be straight forward, but some, like Updated People, give much less of a clear idea of what the post is about. However, considering my modest traffic I don't think that matters much -- for Flares noticeable bumps in traffic come from links, Instagram (a lot of my pictures get posted there) and off and on from Facebook (although I see the traffic from there, I don't see which post the traffic is going to). 

Also, occasionally an older post will get a bump, presumably from a link somewhere, but the limited traffic analysis tools I have don't allow me to see where it comes from. Regardless, I don't chase traffic, so while its nice to get the odd bumps here and there, it doesn't really matter much to me. Certainly not enough to test different titles and what-not.  

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