Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Boy Scout and Girl Guides cigarette cards

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Cigarette companies used to include trading cards with their packages. These samples, and a few from a chocolate company, are of cards featuring the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides (present day Girl Scouts) of the day. 

The two organizations featured good citizenship rules and healthy outdoor living. Of course, to modern values a cigarette company being connected to scouting would be off limits. Aside from that, some of the Boy and Girl Scout activities -- boxing, marksmanship, girls doing laundry and so forth -- would also be frowned upon in certain circles.

Still, it was a different time, and these cards are an interesting look back at how Scouts were once viewed. These images and those after the jump are from the Flikr album Boy Scouts & Girl Guides which has many more examples of the cards.

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