Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Walking in Quezon City and Matilao

Above is walk in the Quezon City which is part of metro Manila. It's a walk on side streets, alleys, and what can only be called footpaths between buildings. It is uncaptioned, with the conversations in Tagalog, but you can tell the people are friendly as they interact with our walker. 

What stood out to me was the enormous number of political campaign posters plastered everywhere, with a fair number of women candidates running for office. That got me thinking... is an Asian upper-middle-class Karen more, or less, terrifying than your average American cul-de-sac dwelling, wine swilling Karen? 

Aside from that the number of kids running around was striking. It looks like a lot of free-range parenting is taking place. Also, the haphazard way the powerlines were strung was more than a little alarming looking.

Below is a video by a different walker, this of Marilao. It appears to be a bit more upscale of a neighborhood, with many buildings painted so it not quite so relentlessly chromatically gray. The area is also looks generally better maintained. He starts in the side streets and alleys, but eventually comes to a large open-air market.

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