Saturday, March 25, 2023

My Caribbean cruise

Above is a video touring the Star Clipper. I was on its sister ship the Star Flyer. They appear to be more-or-less identical. I've never really been interested in taking a cruise; stage shows, casinos, bars scattered hither and yon and thousands of fellow passengers don't appeal to me. However, this was a small boat (there were about 140 passengers on the cruise), so I caved into Ms Sinistral's wishes and gave it a try.

We sailed along the Windward Islands stopping here and there. Before the cruise I was cynical enough to expect that masts to be mainly cosmetic, but they actually sailed the boat. I would guess that over 90% of the time we were under sail rather than power. It was interesting seeing how the sails were rigged and handled.

Below is a video of the fellow's stateroom. Mine was laid out a little differently, but it was the same size. Like him, I too was on the bottom deck, I joked that we were traveling in steerage.

All in all it was a relaxing trip. I would recommend it.

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