Sunday, April 23, 2023

Scenes in Samarkand

Above is a video of a stroll through a market in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. It is as very old city, around 3,000 years old having been founded in either the 7th or 8th century BC. It sat on the mid-point of the Silk Road, and so received influences from both the East and the West. At times at was very affluent and large.

It is an attractive looking city. In the above market video, I was struck by how well ordered it seemed compared to others we've visited in this walking in cities series. Also, some of the fabrics the women were wearing were quite striking. Immediately below is a walk down some of its streets in what I assumed is the downtown area. They are very well maintained with a lot of greenery. 

The final video is a walk through the Registan Square area. It feautures a number of highly decorated mosques. I think the Soviets rebuilt, or at least refurbished, some of these buildings. It ends with a stroll through some back streets.

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