Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Smuggling oil

The video discusses and explosion aboard the tanker Pablo off the coast of Malaysia. It was empty at the time, although due to poor handling its tanks were full of explosive gases. It was likely involved in a ship-to-ship transfer of a cargo of oil. The ship was sailing out of China, and due to return to China with its new cargo.

The Pablo was part of the dark fleet. These are ships operating without the expected certifications and licensing. They compromise about 10% of the world's tanker fleet and are used to bypass sanctions on Venezuela, Iran and Russia. 

Good information in both videos. The videos are from the YouTube channel What is Going on With Shipping? which covers commercial shipping issues. It is a good resource. It has also been covering the back-and-forth tanker seizures by the U.S. and Iran over the last few weeks.

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