Monday, May 15, 2023

Soldiers smoking cigarettes

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This post was inspired by a video I watched a couple of days ago. It was from the Ukraine War. Three captured Russian soldiers were kneeling, with their hands zip-tied behind their backs. As a small act of kindness, the Ukrainians gave each of the POWs a cigarette to puff on as they worried about their future.

Although these days it is frowned upon, if not outright banned, the image of a soldier relaxing with a cigarette is common. These pictures are from various armies and eras. 


  1. Good job. Here's one of a modern US soldier.

  2. When I was in the Navy smoking was pretty ubiquitous, but I don't remember the radar repeaters having built in ash trays. They would have been handy.

  3. By the way, here's your link formatted for easier use: Smokin'.

  4. That's when we got things done in this country... when everybody smoked. Think about Mission Control... etc. I'm not sure I would have survived Nam if not for smoking, best stress relief ever, well, except for sex maybe. Not too much of that out in the bush though.


  5. I had a picture of a Vietnam era soldier smoking, but it looked like whacky tobacky instead of a regular cigarette, so I didn't use it.

  6. Well, not to say there wasn't plenty of that too!
