Friday, October 14, 2005

Bush Stumbles in Iraq: Constitution Decisively Voted In

October 15, 2005 Baghdad In a stunning development today, The New York Times reports that, despite the best efforts of the Bush administration to destroy the country, Iraqis voted in their new constitution. Even the Sunni provinces narrowly voted for the measure, though former Ba'athist Freedom Fighters grumble that the whole charade had been yet another excrescence of the evil mind of Bush éminence grise Karl Rove...

Oh, wait. Sorry. I was just practicing for my new job (I haven't got it yet, but I'm hopeful) of stringer for the Grey Lady.

Back in the reality-based world, the tireless Mohammed at Iraq The Model reports:

At this moment, the National Assembly is holding a ceremony celebrating the new breakthrough agreement on the constitution which President Talbani described as the “Day of National Accord”. The ceremony is attended by the ministers of the cabinet as well as the presidency council and the president of the Kurdistan region, Masoud Barzani.


What happened today [October 12, 2005] is a historic event that will isolate the enemies of Iraq and freedom and will pave the way for a clear future for Iraq after important Sunni groups decided to actively join the political process in Iraq.

There’s a visible feeling of relief on the streets and I think the constitution is on the way to be ratified…the process has come out of the emergency room and recovery will follow.

And I love this last remark:

One last thing, in a nice change of protocol, the ceremony that was started with reading a few verses from the Quran was ended with a nice short piece of music!

The song is over, but the melody lingers on...


  1. Didn't you mean to write "Minutemen"? You're never gonna get that job....

  2. rogera:

    I hope I hope I hope
