David Frum has a good summary of the book that is reviving Pope Pius XII's reputation. We are now told that this once famous servant of the Nazis was actually a great defender of Jews and fierce enemy of the fascist evil.Pius Frum
At this season of soul-searching and atonement, it seems clear to me that Dalin has exposed a very great injustice - and that Pius XII deserves to be numbered prominently among those honored in the Yad Vashem memorial to the righteous gentiles who saved Jewish lives during the Nazi Holocaust.
But as we've been saying all week: Don't trust me. Read the evidence for yourself. As Michael Novak says on the book's dustjacket: "This is a stunning book. I wish I had known more of this material years ago."
Knuck, thanks for the links, wherein readers will find:
ReplyDeleteImagine if this book, in which a rabbi defends Pope Pius XII, became a national bestseller. The mainstream media, which has gone out of its way to showcase condemnations of this great pope while ignoring cogent and persuasive defenses, would be left gasping in shock, scarcely knowing how to react. What a glorious sight that would be. If you're like me, you're already out the door to buy a copy and help make it happen.
Which raises the question, how many more of their lies must be unveiled before the MSM truly are gasping in shock? I suppose if human-induced global warming is defrocked by another ice age... or maybe then it'll just be, "SEE! what we caused in reaction to our ignorance of what we were doing."
I'm reminded by your list, Knuck, that the state of being in which the left (and some conservatives) specialize, known most simply as resentment, is fundamentally delusional (which is also to say that it has its many elements of truth). Cutting to the chase, it may well be that it is because Judeo-Christian religion is our leading technology to date for controlling and transforming resentment that it must always be the target of the resentful who don't yet want to turn.
goombahnics? Knucklehead?
ReplyDeleteyes, I agree that Christianity is structurally Judeophobic, in the sense that the fact that many Jews remain Jews, as the original monotheistic nation chooses to consider its theology superior and declines to follow Christ as God, constitutes a recurring scandal rooted in the origins of Christianity. But this is just to say that the essential test for the Christian is to transcend his base Judeophobia. And so it is a scandal in turn if Christians or Jews seek to obscure when someone has passed the test because the obscurers want to forget the test and its winners altogether by simply portraying Christianity as antisemitic.
Ya callin me dum Sucklehead?