Friday, November 11, 2005

Copperheads Foiled Again

DoD announced today that the armed forces are getting off on the right foot in the new fiscal year with regard to recruitment. Last year marked the first time since 1999 that the Army actually missed its announced recruiting goal. The Army had sought a total of 80,000 new soldiers and wound up with 73,000. Seditious elements within the unreality-based community had reason to celebrate after their efforts provided at least some help in reducing enlistments during the first seven months of last year.

October is actually the fifth month in a row that the Army has met its goal and those responsible for recruitment indicate that they feel that the right resource mix is now available to sustain their efforts. The numbers are especially gratifying in light of the drop in the unemployment rate to 5%. Making the numbers in a full employment economy is a very positive sign.

It's enough to drive disloyal lefties to tears.


  1. "It's enough to drive disloyal lefties to tears."

    Enter markg8, stage left ..

  2. So, markg8, why did the army miss its recruiting goals in 1999?

    No pressure, take your time in answering.

  3. Dear Seditious Scum,

    Monthly recruiting goals are not established by dividing the yearly goal by 12. The determinant is based upon known seasonable fluctuations derived from historical performance.

    One shouldn't expect much from objective al-Queada supporters, I suppose.

  4. "Army reaches low, fills ranks
    12% of recruits in Oct. had lowest acceptable scores"
    Or, in other words,
    "Army scores big, 88% of recruits in Oct. had scores exceeding the acceptable level."

  5. My dear Mr UK,

    I note your objection. In my defense, my usage was appropriate given the adjectival modifier. The addition of another syllable would interfere with the scansion of the dishonorific.

    Surely, one must write with attention to the ear as well as to the eye.

    Yours, etc

  6. markg8

    Given that "lotsa jobs" accounted for the shortfall in recruiting in 1999, and given that the economy at present is comparable to that in 1999, why would you find it unusual if the army struggled to meet its recruiting goals, as it did last year?

  7. In truth the other branches of the armed forces are exceeding goals and so it does balance out when the Army is short, which it is from time to time. The amazing thing is that we have been able to keep up the numbers in spite of the fighting. Even WW 2 required a draft, and that was the good war.

    Mark, are you under the impression that flying the no fly zones and keeping the base open in Saudi Arabia and in general screwing around with Saddam for 11 years was not costly in itself?

    Back in 1993 one of the guys who helped attack the WTC the first time fled to Iraq. This is not a big secret. If they had succeeded how many people would have died and what would it have costs?

    Then Saddam tried to kill a president..if he had succeeded what would the reaction have been?

    Maybe some lefties would have congratulated Saddam on killing a Republican but I don't think the federal government would have reacted that way.

    The truth is we were going to have to deal with Saddam and his psycho sons no matter what. And he had no intention of abandoning wmd and it was plain to everyone, even Bill Clinton that Saddam was dangerous, not to mention an evil mother effer.

    Just go tell yourself it was not needed, that in fact Iraq was a country of kite flying children prancing happily through fields of laughing flowers.

    Oh yes, and democracy, who needs it? Much better to lecture about human rights than to actually do anything to liberate anyone. Talk is cheap and it makes one feel so superior.

    And these are not kids, they are adults, many of them in their 30's.

    And you know what? Treating them like infants and victims or baby killers and torturers is condescending and patronizing.

  8. peter:

    And the amazing thing is that the very people most likely to burn a flag, show their butts in public, call a soldier a war criminal and compare the president to Hitler are the very ones complaining about the country's reputation.

    I wonder if they think Michael Moore's masterpiece F911, [which was such a big hit in the foreign markets] helps our country's reputation?

    I know when I think of that slug standing up in front of an audience in Paris or London or Berlin and saying 'the dumbest guy in here is smarter than the smartest American' I get all goose bumpy with pride.

    At least he is spreading manure and making millions doing it, instead of shaming us all by spreading democracy.

  9. Peter:

    I do not want the people of Iraq who have trusted us and taken us at our word to be abandoned for the sake of politcal expediency on the part of the Democrats.

    There is no honor in that. If the left thinks our reputation is in shreds now, I wonder what they think people would think of us if we just abandoned the people of Iraq to the likes of AlQaida and Zarqawi?

    Maybe they think Zarqawi was a preschool teacher before the invasion, but I think he is doing exactly what he was brought to Iraq from Afghanistan to do.

  10. "This fellow appears to be seriously dead."


    Key fugitive Saddam aide 'dead'

    One of Saddam Hussein's closest aides, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, has died, Iraq's former ruling Baath party says.



    i'll wait for a second opinion.
    Baath Party ain't gonna cut it.

  11. PeterUK -
    has a lot more
    than juvenile taunts
    to offer on the board.

    in your laser-like
    lexical glory,
    you seemed to have overlooked
    the word "perhaps".

    BTW,are you really 49?
