There are two types of Democrats. Type A believe Islamic terrorism is a threat, they're just not sure how much of a threat, but they accept there is one. Type B believe there's no threat at all.
Both Type A and Type B Dems hate Bush.
Type B can easily bitch about the NSA surveillance because there is no reason for it anyway, as far as they're concerned. (Hell, Gore wants to stop using even the Patriot Act.)
Type A has more of a problem. There is a threat and we need to keep track of these guys, but Bush is the one doing it so it's illegal and a pure power grab!
That's how we get, in the middle of a rant re the illegality of Bush's 'Domestic Spying' program, a statement such as this:
" I feel quite sure, regardless of the politics, the legality and the opinion of the American people, George Bush will continue to do exactly what he wants. " *
See? Bush is so bad he'll keep us safe anyway! So we can rant and rave and it won't hurt anything except Bush!
That's a Type A Dem for sure.
Type A's are merely dishonest. Type B's are consistent in their delusions.
*[Snipped from comments at Gay Patriot's Delicious Gore rant.]
ReplyDeleteWell there is that rare Repbulican, let us call him Type rare is he...who looks at the Constitution with the literal fervor of a snake handler speaking of scripture. This type of civil libertarian of the right believes that if it ain't in there, it ain't in there. We all respect and revere the Constitution, but these folks go a step beyond.
I was reading the Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas Woods, [he is no lefty and he does not talk about this particular program]...but he does not believe the President even as the authority for foreign policy. That is the the territory of the Congress. This explains why Bush is using his position as Commander in Chief as well as the Force resolution. But then again some libertarians do not believe that was Constitutional either because Congress was giving away its authority and it can not do that.
Needless to say this is complicated.
So there is some of this division on the right on this issue as well but it is nothing like the gaping wound in the Democratic Party.
I thought it was interesting that Gore would refer to WW2, is he under the impression that locking up the Japanese Americans was constitutional?
ReplyDeleteYour argument seems to hang on the fact that Al Gore didn’t go to law school. He went to journalism school. Big deal. If you have to be a lawyer to know what’s legal and what isn’t, where does that leave the rest of us? I’m not a lawyer, but I think I understand the principles of the 4th Amendment and can figure out what’s legal and what isn’t. You also contend that Bush beat Gore in 2000. In fact, Bush stole that election, and journalists and historians in Florida have proven that. Gore was enough of a patriot to resist the urge to tear the country apart by conceding defeat, but Florida’s electoral votes should have gone to Gore. Had Bush’s brother not been governor of Florida, and had the Supreme Court not voted along strict partisan lines, Gore would have been president.
Comment by Ed Deluzain — January 16, 2006 @ 8:51 pm - January 16, 2006
3. Uh, excuse me, Ed Deluzional,...
ReplyDeleteThat is truly creepy. Seems to me people are making up their own Constitutions everywhere you look.
We already have a constitution and the 4th amendment is about unreasonable search and seizure. But, nooooo, these folks would never consider that good enough for their consitutions. Nothing is reasonable. But their greater fear is of a strong executive. As if he/she is never elected.
Everyone head over to Gateway Pundit for his post on Hillary who was racebaiting in Harlem yesterday. Sheeeeeeesh. Hope someone has video and audio.
...never forget Moynihan:
ReplyDelete'You have a right to your own opinions--but not your own facts.'
The Ed Delusionals--like the Markg8s--know they're throwing horsesh*t.
ReplyDeleteThe ideas is to say it and say it and sayitsayitsayit until a few percent of the least-informed voters form a mental question mark.
It's such a low-down dirty tactic.
The only reason we accept it is because it has already gone so far that even folks who recognize it are no longer shocked.
We're all "conditioned"--we don't 'see' political crimes being committed, we just see the Democrats doing their "politics".
ReplyDeleteCorrection. At the very end of his term, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day, he could issue a blanket pardon to all the crooks and criminals who donated large amounts to his campaigns and to his party, knowing full well that the public would quickly forgive and forget.
Ah, MHA, you forget "El Standardismo Dooblay", under which one party is expected to do these things wholesale, and so does so perforce, and without triggering so much as a twitch in the eye of 300 million beholders.
ReplyDeleteThe other party, tho, should a few dumbasses taste the forbidden froot, suddenly is creating across the land something called a "kultcha o' kruption".
FBI files?
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm sorry, I have no idea how they got there.
Maybe they fell out of Bergler's Pants?
I'm sorry, I don't recall.
"I was standin' by my stove, wearing my pink sweater and baking cookies at the time."
ReplyDeleteYep, Mark lives under not only a different Constitution than the rest of us do, he has a different Presdient too.
ReplyDeleteThose are the fricken Himalayas in the NE quad of Afghanistan.
ReplyDeleteThousands of mountains bigger than anything in N & S America, the highest, roughest wildest country on the planet, a map sized equal to a usa medium state, and ironed out flat probably three times the map area.
All approaches are highly visible, and a hundred thousand could hide up there until the end of time, with hardly a trace.
The 'catch bin Laden, nothing to it' crowd is confusing words with terrain.
Oh, I forgot--we use the Alexander the Great model of military leadership--no thousands of young ambitious dedicated high-energy genius-level academy-grads on the Central-Command staff to aid Gen Franks, who was swamped out in the shop greasing Abrams bogie wheels trying to prep for Iraq.
ReplyDeleteMark--try to understand--there's more (a LOT more!) to real-world reality than your rhetorical devices.
Great, Mark believes Pir Baksh Bardiwal over Tommy Franks and the Pentagon.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder his party is having trouble electing dogcatchers.
One of the great military campaigns is history--one that the lefties swore we could never pull off--now judged a failure by Mr. Asphalt who can't understand that mountain men on foot will go where they want, absent a multi-million-man shoulder-cordon across every foot of borderland, or ridgeline, or valley, or hidey hole in the western Himalayas.
ReplyDeleteThe Comanches in Texas used to avoid capture by trailing a day BEHIND the US Cavalry chasing them.
Not without certainty of the rear area--violates force-protection, gets your men killed. Loses wars.
ReplyDeleteunless of course, you delete enemy capabilities with your keyboard.
ReplyDeleteOF COURSE the command staff is pissed off at themselves--that's part of the gig--perfection is the goal, and Type A folks never quite get there. You should be lauding their honesty, Mr. Ingrate!
ReplyDeleteMy point--and Peter's I surmise, still stands--with unlimited resources, the coalition would've by definition captured bin Laden.
The point of engagement here among the three of us is that two of us practice conjecture with real-world factors such as "limited resources", while your criteria are--as always--completely blue-sky, politically-skewed, and convenient.
Mark, you're so stupid you're not really not worth the time. if the name of the unit is all you need to cover the name of the territority, why couldn't we just name one soldier 'Superman" and let him win all our wars everywhere, all alone?
ReplyDeleteTell ya what, look into the WWII Italian campaign--look at the NUMBER of DIVISIONS it takes to clear ONE mid-sized mountain--and how long it took, and how difficult it was to keep covered ground clear on infiltration.
But if you want to believe there is a conspiracy to not catch bin Laden--go ahead. Army is doing a good job of keeping it mum, but go ahead, believe whatever idiotic horsesh*t you want. Trust the Muzzies one this issue, distrust 'em on that, lionize 'em here, laugh at 'em there, just freak your way along thru life sputtering insane nonsense until the merciful Lord takes you back.
OEF was a tremendous success, OIF will be; 55 million serfs are free, and a global death cult is back on its heels, watching Araby turn slowly toward modernity and liberalism. The world may've been saved a major world-war over oil, now that all nations know it will be fair-allocated by open-market.
ReplyDeleteMark, you can go thru all the office trash cans you want, scrutinize wadded-up memos 'til your eyes fall out, but you can't change the truth.