Tuesday, April 04, 2006


According to my ancient Webster's to extort is to get [money, etc.] by violence, threats, misuse of authority, etc.; exact or wrest [from]...and that is exactly what some socalled leaders in Congress and elsewhere are doing with their threats to launch a third party ticket in 2008 over the issue of illegal immigration. The my way or the highway club who feel that anything short of a prison term or mass deportation or both for illegal aliens [who are after all breaking the law] and stiff penalties for the treasonous scum who hire them [who are after all breaking the law] is just an invitation to an all out invasion of rapists, murderers and drug dealers. And of course there is the wall, it can not be virtual, it has to be real and it has to rival the Great Wall of China. After all, the only thing they were worried about was invading barbarian hordes. And they thought they had problems.

Debate? We don't need no stinkin debate.

Well this oped from Dick Morris makes an interesting point:

On July 2, the Mexican people will decide whether to elect ultra-leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (known as AMLO) as their next president.

Rumors have abounded for months that Lopez Obrador's campaign is getting major funding from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. And last month Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-Ariz)., a moderate Republican, told several Mexican legislators that he had intelligence reports detailing revealing support from Hugo Chavez to AMLO's Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD).

Chavez is a firm ally of Cuba's Fidel Castro. Lopez Obrador could be the final piece in their grand plan to bring the United States to its knees before the newly resurgent Latin left.

Needless to say the Mexican left is making much of the supposed racism of the American people.

When Ross Perot helped Clinton gain the White House with 43% of the vote I really thought the angry white male had learned his lesson. Maybe not. Maybe this time he will give us a Communist in Mexico and a Democratic President. Way to go Tancredo!

Between them, Venezuela and Mexico export about 4 million barrels of oil each day to the United States, more than one-third of our oil imports. With both countries in the hands of leftist leaders, the opportunity to hold the U.S. hostage will be extraordinary.

I hope that the House and the Senate can come up with a compromise bill and Bush signs it. And I hope that the right wing of the Republican party does not do its party what the left wing has done to the Democratic Party.

We need some good old fashioned common sense.


Syl said...

And the Right calls the Left selfish. ::eye roll::

If I don't get my way, screw America. That's what these third-party threats sound like to me.

Rick Ballard said...


That's why bombing Qum flatter than a pancake is going to be a political winner. It's that quaint Jacksonian American quirk - "war to the knife, knife to the hilt". The mullahs ought to watch more Westerns. It might save some of them.

The next third party will be created when the Dems shove the libs off the train. They are going nowhere until they do so and trying to suck a few more dollars out of Soros and his ilk isn't proving to be the success that was hoped for.

truepeers said...

To this distant observer, it seems as if this is a damned if you do, damned if you don't for the Reps. Terrye is surely right about a backlash to deportation talk. But if the present migration continues, surely it is also a nightmare for the Republicans - the creation of huge client class for Democrat welfare state race baiters. I'm sure some Mexicans won't buy into that game, but if you look at the nature of the corrupt state in Mexico, one would have to guess many will go for an anti-Gringo party.

When you're damned either way, you're free to do the right thing.

Anonymous said...


That woman is insane.

Anonymous said...

btw, that whole angry white male things was tongue in cheek. I love angry white males, really I do. I sleep with one every night.

ex-democrat said...


Anonymous said...


Our southwest was populated by hispanics before the American Civil War so I mean hispanic, as in hispanic. Many of them tend to be Catholic and conservative and hardworking. In fact my brother [who is in Oklahoma] said he was currently keeping track of the Catholic Churches in town to ascertain how many hispanics there are moving in. Our Attorney General is hispanic. {according to the last census there are only 1220 hispanics in my home town. I think Mickey can stop panicking}

In 1996, Bob Dole got 21% of the hispanic vote, in 2004 George Bush got 44% of the vote.

There are ofcourse the Cubans who speak Spanish, but since they are running from Castro people kind of overlook it when they show up a little less than legal.

If Republicans make targetting these people a partisan issue, they will not just lose them...they will lose a lot of other people as well. Ever heard of the Know Nothing party? Look it up.

Point is we can and should deal with the issue without being quite so ugly about the whole thing.

MeaninglessHotAir said...

I think there are some odd subterranean currents flowing these days and this particular brouhaha is just one visible sign of it. I chatted with a businessman from Montreal today who pointed out to me that we live in a wondrous age, we have more things than we ever imagined when we were kids, our economy is good, our life expectancy is at a record high--why all the complaining? Yet there's definitely a feeling of malaise all over the place. A real urge toward isolationism. Just pull back the troops, kick out los mexicanos and pull up the drawbridges and all will be well. You have singled out the white Republicans but I don't think it's limited to that. I think this new urge toward isolationism, if that's all it is, is popping out in different ways all over the political spectrum. Much of the oppos ition to the war in Iraq is of the same nature. So is the anti-globalization movement. All part and parcel of the same phenomenon. Fear, uncertainty, doubt. Knucklehead is right.

truepeers said...

MHA, maybe the isolationism is a defensive reaction from fear that too much globalization in the economy is destroying the basis for republican politics at home: a sense of belonging to a self-ruling nation, a people who share a common covenant. Those who remain confident about their nation (in a way somewhat different from being a jingo nationalist) are perhaps less isolationist, on the whole. It seems to me, watching the US, that the fear of Mexian immigration is the fear that the culture of republicanism will be lost once a certain tipping point is reached in favor of people more inclined to seek out patron-client relationships with political elites.

Many American institutions like the military do a very good job of integrating newcomers. But Mexican nationalism and aboriginal identity is something very strong (for both positive and negative - Mexican racism - reasons) that won't melt away easily when it is transplanted in large numbers. I've spent a fair bit of time in Mexico. There are many differences, regionally, but especially between the cities and countryside where the indian cultures are strong and to call the people Hispanic, or even Catholic, seems to me to beg the question of whether these categories are simply a way of ignoring real differences, kind of like the category of Mexican itself.

Anonymous said...


I won't clobber you, in fact I agree with you in large part.

But a lot of hispanics are Christians too. In fact you are a lot more likely to be told not to have a nativity scene in public in an upper middle class white neighborhood in San Francisco than you ever would in some Latino neighborhood.

Rick Ballard said...


Hispanic latte lapper just doesn't resonate, does it?