Tuesday, April 04, 2006

McKinney losing Dem support in altercation with Capitol Police

Expose the Left has CNN video on the Cynthia McKinney altercation:

House Minority Leader Pelosi: "Just because the Capitol Police didn't recognize you is no excuse to hit an officer, if that's what happened."

House Minority Whip Hoyer: "It is the responsibility of anyone who visits the Capitol whether they're Members of Congress or visitors to fully cooperate with the Capitol Police. You can't expect the Capitol Police to know every member."

Congressional Black Caucus: "No comment because the facts haven't been established, but praise for the Capitol Police."

But McKinney is still playing the race card: "It doesn't matter whether you're in the United States Capitol or the Georgia Capitol, the issue is racial profiling, and that's something we're going to have to deal with as a country."

Meanwhile, U.S. Attorney Kenneth Wainstein (bio) is reportedly still studying the matter.


Anonymous said...

She has gone over the edge. Really.

chuck said...

She has gone over the edge.

Nah. She went over the edge years ago. She just hasn't hit bottom yet.

Anonymous said...

I did not say when she went over, only that she had gone gone gone gone.......

loner said...

Compare and contrast this with Tom DeLay.

Okay. I don't like either and I'm happy not to be or to have been represented by either. He's decided not to face the voters in November. So far, and probably, she's decided to face them. I'll be voting to re-elect Jane Harmon come November. Her I like. Her I'm quite content to be represented by.

Anonymous said...


Jane Harman is very bright. No doubt about that.

Luther said...

I find it sad really. She must have a certain intellect and gravitas. But a product of her environment I suppose. Always looking back and never forward.

loner said...
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loner said...


So are you.

Back in the late '80s I was represented for a time by Nancy Pelasi, but then I moved about 20 miles down El Camino Real and was represented for a time by Tom Lontas. From there I moved to one of the original thirteen and to an area that hasn't had as its representative a member of the Democratic Party since the Civil War. I returned to California just before Jane Harman won election after having given up her seat to run (badly) for the Democratic nomination for Governor two years earlier.

Anonymous said...


I like people who tell me I am bright.

I live in an area where the only question is will I be represented by a conservative Republican or a conservative Democrat. They may be as rare as a pilated woodpecker but there are a few relatively conservative Democrats in places like southern Indiana.

I hear that Pelosi and McKinney do not speak. I really do think there is something wrong with McKinney.