Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Flickering Plame

Clarice Feldman writes an excellent analysis of the meaning of Novak's revelations concerning his involvement in the Plame matter.

As this saga continues to unfold it is becoming apparent that it will provide scenes for the upcoming box office blockbuster "Bureaucracies Gone Wild" scheduled for release over the next two years. The film will star the CIA, the DoJ (with the FISA court leading), the DoD (cameo appearance), the FBI and the DoS. The plot involves the active effort to subvert the policies of those elected to govern by the faceless mandarins who have forgotten the original purpose for which their fiefdoms were established. Not much sex and violence (except to the Constitution) but treachery in abundance.


  1. PUK, I am your biggest fan. The Traducers..I like the sound of that.

  2. I wonder if anyone saw the RealClearPolitics column by Dennis Byrne entitled "Save Patrick Fitzgerald" calling for his re-appointment as United States Attorney?

  3. I concur in Rick's description as an "excellent analysis."

  4. Brylun,

    I saw the piece and I strongly disagree with it. Fitzgerald's affidavit to the DC Circuit regarding Miller was mendacious - at best. He made a jackass of Judge Tatel (although, based upon Tatel's decision, it may be more accurate to say that he made a braying jackass) and the incompetence demonstrated in allowing Cowles - a victim - be indicted is grounds for believeing that a sabbatical from prosecutorial chores is in order.

    Catching and convicting political crooks in Illinois is about as tough as catching bluegill.

    There are no indispensable men.

  5. Thanks, Brylun.
    I agree with Rick entirely--I think Fitz is a tenacious hard working man who up to now has been blessed by unsympathetic defendants and bad opposing counsel. He has certainly mastered the Prosecutor's bag of can a lot of people.

    PUK, I want to steal that song so badly, but it would be wrong...Still Capitol Steps puts on a musical every year, and I bet if you let them have it it would be this year's show stopper. (Not kidding)Or send it to Rush with permission to use it.

  6. Peter:

    I started to read your post but I could not help but think of the Beverly Hillbilly tune. It is stuck in my head.

  7. I'm going to open a post for the development of the operetta on ice "Fitzmas in Cambodia" using songs written here and at JOM in another memorable moment. Those with editing privileges should feel free to append as they see fit, others may wish to add songs and lyrics in comments which will then be appended.
