The UN's chief thief will be out of work by the end of the year. Will the UNSC be able to find a replacement who combines the banal venality and loquaciously meritricious mendacity which is the sine qua non for becoming the Head Snake in the vipers pit? Well, many thought that it would be impossible to sink lower than Boutros Boutros-Ghali - until Kofi.
The US as a permanent member of the UNSC has the right to veto any selection. It would be an admirable gesture to share that right with Japan and India - both of which better deserve a permanent UNSC seat than does a truly second rate country like France - or Russia.
The tricky part in the process is that Bolton, who has done an admirable job to date, will have to leave the US ambassador position at year's end unless nominated and confirmed prior to the end of the legislative session. I'm sure his nomination is on the President's 'to do' list for the period immediately after the election but it would be unsurprising if the Dems tried another blockade. Should they do so, perhaps Hastert and the new Senate majority leader could agree to a week recess shortly after convening in the new year. The President could then make another recess appointment that would carry forward until the inauguration of the new Republican President in '09.
There is always Bill.
ReplyDeleteI do agree that Japan and India would be better choices for permanent members than France and Russia. Can they at least consider expanding membership of the SC?
I just think all this tinkering is ridiculous. The entire charter, organization, etc. is designed for failure.But I love Rick's intro